Things that stop your joy, feelings of failure - by WJC


If you’re new to this blog, I have entered the LGC X Theo Paphitis Art Prize which has the theme of Joy. Therefore I am blogging about Joy for August.

This post is how I think about failure, as I do not want failure to prevent, or dampen, my experiences of Joy.

Managing and living with my mental ill health has often led me to reflect on why I feel so bad but no one mentioned looking at why I feel good! This I think has led me to often think more about negative experiences than positive. This may be also part of everyday British culture? How often do we recount when we just miss a bus but never on how many we just caught? To focus on failure stunts our experiences of Joy.

Failing or failure may be seem so awful that we never try new experiences and if we don’t try, we don’t grow. Therefore we need to rethink failure and get away from, and stop negative feelings of inadequacy, disappointment, being stupid or less than others. 

One step towards this is to set a realistic personal target and ignore everyone else’s targets. Remember you are a novice or beginner when you start something new and therefore expect to only achieve a step towards your target and not the whole. 

Ready for some sport? So Archery;  if you take up archery what is your novice expectation to achieve? In Archery the winner is the one who hits the gold of the target the most. But what about the novice? What is a novice target? Surely you win just by turning up to your first session, that is your gold. And, what if you just enjoy part of the session, is that also part of the gold?

 Maybe the gold medal is actually  just having a go and experiencing a smile i.e. joy along the way?

I never read the memo that says failure is negative, I was always too busy trying anything and everything to avoid feeling bad, in fact I didn’t feel anything at all but adrenaline and excitement. Until I crashed and burnt! In some ways this is a positive from my life experience, I am not afraid of failure, there is no point. I am more afraid of FOMO! (Fear of missing out!)

So don’t crash and burn, please don’t! but do rethink how you see failure and overcome negative feelings by setting novice targets and allow Joy to grow in you and others

Remember, smile at someone and experience Joy!

My competition entry can be seen on Centrepieces instagram.


To vote for WJC's artwork, follow this link and vote on entry number 96.

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  1. Focusing on the negative is, unfortunately, part of the human condition. How wonderful, instead, to look for the joy! Writing down 1 thing that made me happy and 1 thing I'm grateful for each morning, really helped change my perspective when things were at their darkest . Thanks for sharing your insight Wendy, I enjoy the way you write. Fi x


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