Dancing in the rain - by Lilani Dilrukshan


Painting and words by Lilani Dilrukshan

Dancing in the rain

Oh, dancing in the rain, what a joy it brings.

With every step, my heart takes the wings.

The puddles splash and the drops ignite.

A symphony of sound, a dance so bright.


My feet move quickly, and my body sways,

As the raindrops play their melodic ways,

The world around me fades away,

Leaving only the dance, the rain, and I.


The thunder drums, the lightning strikes

A celestial show, a dance so unique.

The rainbow's colours, a kaleidoscope,

A dance in the rain, a symphony to hope.


The rain soaks through, the wind blows strong,

But my heart sings a happy song,

For in the rain, I find my grace,

A dance in the rain, a wondrous place.


Lilani Dilrukshan

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