Be Different - Art in Hall Place Gardens

Artist: Christie Cassisa  --

Using a tree that has shed its leaves during the winter, project artist, Christie Cassisa, covered the bark with coloured tissue paper using water as the adhesive.  The result was a tree which stands out from the others, promoting our uniqueness and embracing our colourful differences. 

The project was not without its difficulties: inclement weather, strong winds, and the glue-repelling property of the tree's moss made the task of adhering the coloured tissue paper particularly challenging.
Though the decorated tree is dazzingly bright, the vivid greens and yellows of the tree's ornamented branches beautifully complemented the colder, more muted greens, browns and greys of the winter landscape.
A great thank you is afforded to everyone who volunteered their time and efforts to help make this project such a success!

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Never Forget - Art in Hall Place Gardens

Artist: Christie Cassisa --

Made from materials of clay and earth from the surrounding area, the sculpture was left to gradually deteriorate in the winter weather: a poignant reflection of today’s war-torn, troubled world.

"I realised that the deterioration of the two little figures is actually quite beautiful, and the sculpture has been a success. I am so excited that people have been moved to think more deeply and are understanding how it illustrates the psychological changes and shocks that people experience in the reality of war. I have learnt so much about why we remember, about people, and about myself, and I continue to learn. It has been very inspiring!”

- Project artist, Christie Cassisa

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Drawing the Line - Art in Hall Place Gardens

Artist: Karen Larkin --

Bundles of colourful leaves were collected from Hall Place Gardens and pinned into the hedges using twigs to create an evolving display.

“We have really enjoyed working together on this piece, it has been quite a journey – soul searching and chatting to the public about life, family, and art. We will return to the site over several weeks and record how our line gradually disappears as the weather clears away our playthings and puts the year to bed. Thank you to everyone who supported us and gave us all the wonderful feedback.”

-      Project artists, Karen Larkin and Christie Cassisa

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Word Webs - Art in Hall Place Gardens

Artist: Kim Campbell --

Inspired by the children’s book Charlotte’s Web, “Word Webs” involves webs made of various materials and attached to trees around the site, spelling out words, poems or phrases to invoke contemplation, rumination and whimsy!


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